Vacation jobs and internships

Vocational orientation at BUK

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions in life. While some already know exactly what they want to become, others are still undecided. No matter which category you belong to, with an internship at the BUK Group you can try yourself out. Get to know the exciting work with us and get a taste of possible career paths.


Internship – The ideal orientation

The best way to get to know a profession is to see it in action. At the BUK Group, an internship will give you valuable insights and initial experience of your desired job.

You are still in school? With us you can also complete your BOGY (vocational orientation at grammar schools), BORS (vocational orientation at secondary schools) or OiB (vocational orientation at lower secondary schools). Get to know our training programs and get tips from our experienced employees for your future!

If possible, we also offer internships in cooperation with vocational promotion organizations or in the form of reintegration measures.

Earn some extra money!

With a vacation job at the BUK Group, we give you the opportunity to get an insight into a modern injection molding company and at the same time improve your pocket money. In addition to appropriate remuneration, you can expect various simple activities in logistics, production, assembly or quality assurance. With us, you won’t just sit on the assembly line, but will also be properly integrated into the team.

Optimale Kundenverpackung

Ready to take the first step towards your career?
Then apply for an internship or a vacation job with us!